Category Critical Race Theory

Jeremy Carl Books

Jeremy Carl Books - The Unprotected Class

Jeremy Carl, a seasoned scholar and policy expert, serves as a senior fellow at the Claremont Institute, specializing in multiculturalism, nationalism, race relations, and immigration. With a diverse background, he has held significant positions such as Deputy Assistant Secretary of…

James Lindsay Books

james lindsay books

There aren’t a lot of atheist Conservatives and there are even fewer who are anti-religious, but the modern right has some odd bedfellows. Enter James A Lindsay. With a PhD in mathematics from the University of Tennessee, his education inspires…

Critical Race Theory Books

Critical Race Theory Books

Martin Luther King Jr was wrong. That, in a nutshell, summarizes critical race theory. Proponents of this toxic theory of race will insist you don’t really understand CRT, but its foundational principles are quite simple. MLK said, “Judge a man…