It’s hard to imagine a Conservative who opposes the Second Amendment. Enshrined in the constitution, the right to bear arms is a fundamental principle aimed at giving the citizens the ultimate check on the power of government, should it take a tyrannical turn.

But there’s a great deal of misinformation about the second amendment and about guns and gun violence in America. So to protect yourself against phoney arguments we’ve put together a collection of the best gun rights books.

The War on Guns: Arming Yourself Against Gun Control Lies

There’s a lot of misinformation about guns, gun violence and gun ownership and its origins are not just happenstance. In The “War on Guns,” John R Lott Jr, America’s preeminent pro-2A author delves into the origins of the data used by liberal politicians and the corporate media, uncovering their funding sources and casting doubt on their data, facts and motivations.

At the same time, Lott highlights his own data points, and raises critical arguments like why gun licenses and background checks won’t stop crime, how gun free zones lead to mass shootings and how from 1950 to 2010 not a single mass public shooting in the United States happened in an area where citizens are allowed to cary guns.

Arm yourself against the incorrect data that’s been manufactured to oppose the second amendment with this powerful book.

Control: Exposing the Truth About Guns

The title is as simple as the concept: gun control isn’t about controlling guns, it’s about controlling people.

And the best tool to fight back against repression is arming yourself with knowledge.

Beck takes on the myths and lies used to control the conversation around gun rights and transform advocats of the constitution into opponents of a safe society.

Of critical note, he urges a focus on just on the “right of the people to keep and bear arms,” but that fact that the constitution clearly stands against the measures used to slowly chip away at gun rights. Gun rights, he reminds us, “shall not be infringed.”

The Bias Against Guns: Why Almost Everything You’Ve Heard About Gun Control Is Wrong

Modern American society is permeated by an anti-gun bias propagated by the corporate media. As a result, the American public is unaware of just how often guns are used in self defence.

John R. Lott Jr. tackles this bias head-on, detailing numerous accounts in the media where guns have saved lives and where they were purposefully omitted from the news cycle. While Lott admits that in most cases where guns are used in self defence, the victim never actually uses their gun and so it’s easy to omit from the record. However, with such an overwhelming number of omissions, he can’t help but suggest that this anti-gun bias is coloring the news.

Unlike some of Lott’s other works, “The Bias Against Guns” is far more approachable and a good start for anyone curious to learn more about the lies being told by gun control advocates and how guns can actually make society safer.

It also tackles critical gun control issues like safes and storing ammunition separately, arguing that there’s no evidence these laws prevent accidental deaths, while there is significant evidence to suggest they effectively neuter the gun owner, putting him or her at the mercy of criminals.

Hands Off My Gun

A powerful handbook for anyone looking to get educated on gun rights and gun control, Conservative radio and TV host Dana Loesch delivers the goods in this comprehensive book.

Going back to the founding fathers, she first outlines the historical context of the second amendment and why it was cemented into the constitution. She then outlines the major forces of the anti-gun and anti-freedom movement and what these individuals and groups are doing to slowly chip away at the Constitution. From there she highlights the hypocrisy and errors of the media and Hollywood.

“This book will cover every square inch of the gun control debate,” says Loesch. “This book will beat your progressive friends upside the head with facts. This book will challenge those who may be well-intentioned, but are uneducated about what our gun rights really mean, where they originate, and what the statistics actually say. Anti-Second Amendment advocates don’t want you to read this book. Make doing so an act of resistance.”

Armed America

The true history of American and guns.

In this important book Clayton E Cramer first tackles the errors put forward by Michael A. Bellesiles in his book, “Arming America: The Origins of a National Gun Culture.” In that book Bellesiles details a shocking revelation about how guns aren’t really a part of American history and for most of history they were much more highly regulated than they are now. His revelations were so critical he was awarded the Bancroft Prize, the county’s most prestigious award for a history book.

There’s just one problem: Bellesiles is wrong.

While his book has been written off as a piece of fiction, the damage was done. To this day, its ideas are still cited by many in gun control circles.

Cramer first tears apart the errors of Bellesiles’ book and then gives a detailed history lesson of the role guns actually played in American history.

More Guns, Less Crime: Understanding Crime and Gun Control Laws

America’s most prolific writer on second amendment issues, John R Lott Jr. uses huge amounts of data to prove his point: more guns results in less crime.

While arguments can be made for hunters keeping rifles, it’s often thought that hand guns serve no purpose other than hurting people. But as it turns out, they also serve as a counter-measure against the thread of violence and as a result, keep violence in check.

In “More Guns, Less Crime,” Lott uses hard data to show that when and where people are allowed to carry concealed hand guns, crime goes down dramatically.

Perhaps more importantly, concealed cary actually results in the most significant safety improvements for women, children and African Americans.

Gun Control in the Third Reich: Disarming the Jews and “Enemies of the State”

The second amendment exists to protect American citizens against the potential for tyranny by the government. But surely, skeptics point out, there’s no need to arm the population against its own government in a modern democratic society.

But there is.

One only need to look back a few decades to Nazi Germany.

And that’s just what Stephen P Halbrook does in “Gun Control in the Third Reich.” Using newly-discovered documents from German archives, he outlines how the Nazis used gun control to disarm their population and how that shaped the horrors of the holocaust.

Shall Not Be Infringed: The New Assaults on Your Second Amendment

If you’re familiar with all the facts and arguments about gun rights and gun control, this book is fascinating reading to expand your knowledge further.

Gun-rights advocates David Keene and Thomas Mason detail the gun control movement, in the legislatures and the court rooms of America. The book goes into expert detail on how the Left aims to curtail freedom by limiting liberty, and doing so by limiting access to guns – a fundamental freedom that, as the constitution says, “Shall Not be Infringed.”

That Every Man Be Armed

“That Every Man Be Armed” stands as the first scholarly examination of the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, having made a substantial impact on constitutional debate and litigation since its initial publication in 1984. Author Stephen Halbrook meticulously traces the historical journey of the right to bear arms, starting from ancient Greece and Rome, moving through the era of the English republicans, and continuing to the American Revolution and the drafting of the Constitution. He further explores the Reconstruction period, which extended this right to African Americans, and delves into contemporary controversies.

This new edition of “That Every Man Be Armed” includes reviews of recent literature and court decisions, ensuring that Halbrook’s study remains the most comprehensive and authoritative work on the right to keep and bear arms.

Gun Control Myths: How politicians, the media, and botched “studies” have twisted the facts on gun control

A critical book used to understand the lies and twisted facts used to discredit the second amendment.

“John Lott has been giving us the facts about guns for decades. Finally clear to all that one party in America has an anti-Second Amendment platform and wants to disarm you. Now you need to arm yourself with the Truth. Buy and read Gun Control Myths today. Before it’s too late.” – Sebastian Gorka 

Be Sure to check out our list of the best Pro-Life Books.


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