The greatest US president? He’s definitely on the short list.

President Ronald Reagan changed America and firmly cemented the idea of what it means to be a Republican.

Winning a landslide victory in 1980, Reagan is sworn in the following January as the 40th President of the United States. During his first and second terms in office he is unwavering in his commitment to free market economics and rolls out what is dubbed “Reaganomics,” which focuses on cutting the tax rate as a way to spur economic growth. Coming to office as a recession grips the country, he stayed firm and eventually brings about tremendous economic prosperity for every day Americans.

Reagan had an equally strong conviction about his opposition to Communism and is generally credited as the defining figure in the collapse of the USSR, where he eventually out-spent the Russians in an arms race that crippled their economy.

Ronald Regan Books

An American Life: The Autobiography

If you read one book about Ronald Reagan, this is it. The life of one of America’s best Presidents (if not the best) told in his own words.

Reagan’s autobiography is both a compelling read and a book of great historical importance.

It tells of his simple upbringing, his rise to fame in Hollywood, his decision to run for office and a career that didn’t just change America but the world.

Not only did Reagan achieve to much, but he made a lasting impact upon his country. And he did so by harnessing the American spirit, giving his nation strength and his people confidence.

A man of the people, his modesty gave him a talent for communicating with every-day Americans. His parents’ guiding hands and his upbringing during the Great Depression instilled in him values of hard work and dedication, which served him well in leading the country through many challenges.

Abortion and the Conscience of the Nation

No President has ever published a book while in office, except for this book by President Reagan.

Compelled to write based on his convictions, Reagan goes into detail to defend the sanctity of life.

With contributions from Wanda Franz, PhD., President of the National Right to Life Committee, Brian P. Johnston, California Commissioner on Aging and others, it’s a moral compass for a nation.

The Heart of a Great Nation: Timeless Wisdom from Ronald Reagan

While he most certainly was a great communicator, President Ronald Reagan was so modest he never thought it.

In his farewell address in 1989 he said, “I wasn’t a great communicator, but I communicated great things, and they didn’t spring full bloom from my brow, they came from the heart of a great nation–from our experience, our wisdom, and our belief in principles that have guided us for two centuries.”

A collection of Reagan’s greatest speeches, The Heart of a Great Nation captures the essence of the era; a time a economic and national uncertainty and an ever-looming thread of communism.

Wisdom from the common man, and inspired by every day Americans and the values they hold true, these speeches reach out across the historical void to inspire us.

*Wih a forward by Senator Marco Rubio.

Books on Ronald Reagan

Dutch: A Memoir of Ronald Reagan

A truly unique look at Ronald Reagan, it’s also a unique new format for a biography. Edmund Morris (Pulitzer Prize winning biographer of Theodore Roosevelt), was granted unfettered access to President Reagan and began his biographical journey in 1984, From there, he continued on, following his new trials while exploring his younger years, culminating in this book 13 years later.

Morris himself admits that this book creates a new style of biography with the narrator becoming a character in Regan’s life, able to explore earlier events with the same clarity as the present.

It remains the only biography authorized by a sitting President.

The Age of Reagan: The Fall of the Old Liberal Order: 1964-1980

You can’t fully understand President Ronald Reagan without understanding the times, the events and the players. In this biography, Steven F Hayward documents the decade-and-a-half lead-up to President Reagan taking the White House.

The stage is an America at war with itself. The failure of Lyndon Johnson’s policies, the faux-Conservative era of Nixon, Reagan’s defeat to Gerald Ford in ’76 and the subsequently brutal Jimmy Carter era.

This all leads to the sweeping Victory of perhaps the greatest Republican of them all.

The Age of Reagan: The Conservative Counterrevolution: 1980-1989

In Steven F Wayward’s second biography on President Ronald Reagan he moves from how Reagan became president, to his transformative years in office.

Within a few short years, Reagan transformed America. The fuel shortages ended, jobs came back, the Cold War was over, the Berlin Wall came down. America was confident, prosperous and free.

Reagan was nothing short of a hero, however, Hayward’s thesis is that the man was, and still is, misunderstood. Even by his own party.

Democrats begrudgingly admit his foreign policy success, but would never dream of conceding his masterful domestic plans. Republics celebrate his success over the Democrats but ignore the battle he took on to lead the party. And overall, he’s too often described as a down-home good guy, rather than a shrewd leader who knew exactly what he wanted for the country and set in place a plan to achieve it.

Hayward challenges all the erroneous misconceptions about President Reagan and in incredibly detailed biography sets history straight.

Greatness: Reagan, Churchill, and the Making of Extraordinary Leaders

Two great men of different eras, there’s more that links Ronald Reagan and Winston Churchill than you might at first realize.

Historian Stephen F Hayward explores the deeper and truly unique parallel between these two men, diving deep into their techniques of statesmanship and their political genius.

Detailed in this fascinating work are the striking similarities in the politics of both men, from economics, to defense and so much more. But it goes so much deeper to highlight their shared gift as orators and ability co communicate to the people, as well as their individual battles with the evils of Communism.

Politically, both men moved from Left to Right on the spectrum, while philosophically, both shared similar beliefs on their personal and national destinies.

But perhaps most of all, Hayward highlights how both of these powerful figures in the global Conservative movement shared an unwavering character and a focused will.

Common Sense of an Uncommon Man 

A truly unique look at Ronald Regan, the President, and the man, compiled by his son, Michael.

Drawing from President Reagan’s pubic speeches and private moments, Michael shows the many roles of his father, from world leader and conservative icon to being a father.

With commentary throughout, this book gives context to Reagan’s many moments on the world stage and always focuses on the man’s belief in family, faith and freedom.

More than just documenting the past, this book will inspire you to continue the work President Reagan began.


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