For decades Larry Elder has been confronting the ugly truth about race in America, and it’s definitely not what you think.

Before there were many African Americans in the Republican party, there was Larry Elder, paving the way with his conservative and libertarian views. He’s a strong believer in personal responsibility and the power of the individual to change their own life. Similarly, he doesn’t have time for those who use claims to racism to cover for their own shortcomings.

Those who enjoy Elder’s take on opportunity and race in America should also check out books by economist Thomas Sowell and former Republican presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson.

On July 12th 2021, Elder announced he was running for Governor of California under the slogan “We’ve got a state to save.” Elder is running to replace Gov Gavin Newsom who is facing a Sept 14 recall election after 1.6 million Californians, angry over Covid restrictions, singed a petition.

Larry Elder Books

The Ten Things You Can’t Say in America

A lawyer by trade with a long career in TV and radio, Elder’s first book was a bombshell. “The 10 Things You Can’t Say in America” let those on the right speak freely about a long list of topics.

Blacks are more racist than whites
White condescension is more damaging than white racism
There is no health-care crisis
The War on Drugs is the new Vietnam…and we’re losing
Republicans and Democrats are the same beast in different rhetoric
Gun control advocates have blood on their hands.
America’s greatest problem? Illegitimacy.
The welfare state is our national narcotic.
There is no glass ceiling.
The media bias: it’s real, it’s widespread, it’s destructive

Apart from issues of race, Elder takes on gun control, big government and even politicians in general. And of course saves a chapter for the corporate media’s role in the erosion of America.

Showdown: Confronting Bias, Lies, and the Special Interests that Divide America

A follow up to “The Ten Things You Can’t Say in America,” Elder’s second book pushes more directly at his libertarian views. He takes on government agencies and special interest groups and how the growing bureaucracy and excessive taxation are making America less prosperous and less free.

He argues for a limited government, outlines where it should spend your money, and of course digs into some issues of race along the way.

Putting the focus on the individual, Elder argues that a vastly reduced government would allow for each person to thrive.

What’s Race Got to Do with It?: Why It’s Time to Stop the Stupidest Argument in America

Turning his focus to issues of race, Larry Elder challenges mainstream media and Democratic Party narratives in his third book.

He attacks the notions of affirmative action and argues that regardless of any past wrongs done to the African American community, right now it’s up to the individuals to decide what to do with their lives to overcome their own personal struggles.

Elder attacks the media who push the notion that racism is at the root of all problems in America. He also extends a fig leaf to Democrats and the broader African American community by showcasing how President Obama understands how a lack of fathers in that community continues to perpetuate that problem. (Elder does, however, disagree with President Obama’s social welfare plans which only exacerbate the issue).

A harsh critique, Elder also gives hope by highlighting role models who uphold the American pioneering spirit.

Double Standards: The Selective Outrage of the Left

A collection of some of Larry Elder’s best columns, this book of bite-sized arguments is a must-have for the Larry Elder fan or for anyone with a penchant for libertarianism. His arguments are bold and concise and it’s the sort of book you’ll find yourself referring to over and over again.

Elder takes on his usual targets of big government and big media. He also delves into the rise of President Donald Trump.

Thematically most of these essays are tied together by the common thread of the hypocrisy of the Left, including the all out war waged against President Trump.

A Lot Like Me: A Father and Son’s Journey to Reconciliation: A Memoir

A personal take, Larry Eder’s most recent book documents his dysfunctional relationship with his father and his eventual confrontation with him. As a young adult Elder opened up to his Dad and called him out on his parenting style. From there Elder senior told his story of growing up as a young black man and changed how Larry viewed his father forever.

From there the two reconciled and their relationship blossomed.

For all that separated father and son for so many years, its clear to see the ties that bind, including a dedication to personal responsibility, which is the backbone of so much of Elder’s past works.

Larry Elder Books

The Ten Things You Can’t Say in America (2001)

Showdown: Confronting Bias, Lies, and the Special Interests that Divide America (2003)

What’s Race Got to Do with It?: Why It’s Time to Stop the Stupidest Argument in America (2009) Originally published as Stupid Black Men: How to Play the Race Card and Lose.

Double Standards: The Selective Outrage of the Left (2017)

A Lot Like Me: A Father and Son’s Journey to Reconciliation: A Memoir (2018) Originally published as Dear Father, Dear Son: Two Lives…Eight Hours (2012)


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