candace owens books blackout

Candace Owens Books

Candace Owens flies in the face of the Democratic party, not just with her opinions, but with her life story.

Growing up as an African American woman in a low income apartment and the child of divorce she experienced many of America’s least admirable traits, including racist death threats. Immersed in the culture of the left she strongly opposed the Republican Party and Donald Trump, then she had an epiphany moment in 2017. “I became a conservative overnight,” she said. “I realized that liberals were actually the racists.”

Owens is pro-life, pro Second Amendment and a strong opponent of socialism in all its forms, having seen its errors play out in her own community. She’s also been a strong opponent to the Black Lives Matter movement.

In her book “Blackout” Owens argues that the policies enacted by the Democratic party, which are seemingly devised to help African Americans, are actually designed to keep them subservient. Welfare programs, she says, incentivize failure and dependency.

To make matters worse, she argues, the Democratic Party takes the Black vote for granted. And if they can rely on Black votes, there’s no incentive to actually help the community.

To all this Owens argues that its time for a “Blexit” – an exodus from the Democratic party not just for African Americans but for minorities of all kinds. She builds the cause for leaving a party that cherishes and creates dependency and victimhood, to one that’s built on self-sufficiency and dependence.

Intertwined in the book are her thoughts on faith, divorce and the impact of abortion on the black community.

Candace Owens can be heard regularly on her podcast Candace, as a part of the Ben Shapiro’s The Daily Wire.

Candace Owens Books

Blackout: How Black America Can Make Its Second Escape from the Democrat Plantation