
Books on Hillary Clinton

Hiding in her husband’s shadow for decades, Hillary Clinton really hit the world stage in 2000. From being elected senator for New York state, she went on to challenge Barack Obama for the Democratic ticket in 2008 and after losing was made a member of his inner circle, becoming Secretary of State in 2009.

The Democratic nominee after Obama’s two terms she went on to square off against Donald Trump in the 2016 election and famously lost. Apart from her well-documented corruption and involvement in political disasters like Benghazi she was also (and continues to be) generally unlikeable.

Books on Hillary Clinton

Clinton Cash: The Untold Story of How and Why Foreign Governments and Businesses Helped Make Bill and Hillary Rich

A shocking look at how Bill and Hillary Clinton went from swimming in debt in 2000 to earning over $130 million. And the answer isn’t book deals and speaking engagements.

Investigative journalist Peter Schweizer follows the money trail and the Clintons’ dealings in troubled countries to explain exactly where their wealth came from. Exploring their dealings in Kazakhstan, Colombia, Haiti and more this exposé will shock you.

The crooked behaviour of this political team has led to resignations and new ethics laws being passed.

You’ll learn all about how the Clinton’s profited from involvement in foreign nations and just how the Clinton Foundation works.

Guilty as Sin: Uncovering New Evidence of Corruption and How Hillary Clinton and the Democrats Derailed the FBI Investigation

Lock her up!

While Hillary Clinton officially escaped punishment for her private email servers, when FBI Director James Comey announced she would not be indicted for mishandling classified information, the truth doesn’t need to stop there.

In this investigative work by Edward Klein, he lays out all the details and there’s even more shocking evidence of misconduct and criminality than ever made the headline news.

Klein reveals what was really found on those servers and how a Congressional investigation found even more evidence of corruption.

He digs deep to detail the real reasons for Clinton’s actions and how she managed to stay one step ahead of the law.

Shattered: Inside Hillary Clinton’s Doomed Campaign

The problem wasn’t the Democrats’ message. And it wasn’t the Donald Trump was an unstoppable force of nature. No, the reason that Hillary Clinton lost the 2016 election was simple: Hillary Clinton.

At the very core, Clinton was a deeply flawed candidate who was genuinely unlikeable, who couldn’t properly convey her message and who couldn’t overcome the populist groundswell of an American public deeply upset with Washington.

This book takes you inside the Clinton campaign leading up to and on election night, detailing every misstep and how Hillary made it worse for herself all along.

Trust Betrayed: Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and the Selling Out of America’s National Security

Written by Ex-Navy SEAL sniper Scott Taylor this book is a damning account of how the Obama administration leaked sensitive intelligence for their own political gain.

From Benghazi to the rise of ISIS, Taylor details how Obama, Clinton and others have routinely betrayed the American forces, putting lives at risk all for their own gain.

The Russia Hoax: The Illicit Scheme to Clear Hillary Clinton and Frame Donald Trump

If you’re looking to understand the full scale and scope of the Russia Hoax, read this book.

Fox News legal analyst Gregg Jarrett goes into impressive detail to turn a complex story into an easy-to-follow narrative that reveals how Hillary Clinton and her deep state co-conspirators worked to clear her name by creating a fake collusion story between Donald Trump and Moscow.

You’ll learn exactly how individuals inside the FBI and Barack Obama’s Justice Department first worked to clear Hillary’s name and then turned towards a shocking move of creating a collusion hoax in an effort to remove a sitting President.

Jarrett details how the evidence shows operatives inside both the FBI and DOJ, driven by blinding hatred and a misguided sense of righteousness, acted to subvert democracy.

You’ll get answers to all the big questions and detail every little conspiracy along the wy.

The world has always known politics is a dirty game. Even then, this book will shock you as to just how corrupt the government has become.

Hillary’s America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party

Written in the run-up to the 2016 Presidential election, this book by long-standing Democrat critic Dinesh D’Souza was designed to be a warning that should Clinton win, the end is near.

Thankfully that tragedy was avoided.

And yet, this book’s relevance is no less important today as it reveals the truth about the Democratic Party and its candidates. D’Souza details how Democrats look to fundamentally change America and turn it away from everything it stands for.

In essence, the Democratic party exists to steal American and hand it on a silver platter to a small group of elites. And, argues D’Souza, this isn’t new.

He delves into the history of the Democratic party to highlight its pro-slavery agenda, its war on women, its uncaring policies that hurt the most vulnerable and how it has always worked to serve an elite class of those already in power.

Whitewash: What the Media Won’t Tell You About Hillary Clinton, but Conservatives Will

How did Hillary Clinton almost become President?

Considering her lack of political experience, her scandalous time inside the Obama Administration, her husband’s sordid past and her general unlikeableness, how did she ever get so close? The answer is simple: the media.

Whitewash is a detailed examination by L. Brent Bozell III and Tim Graham of the Media Research Center (one of America’s leading media watchdog organizations) into exactly how what Andrew Breitbart would call the Democrat Media Complex helped promote an absurdly ill-qualified candidate to the highest office in he land.

Including interviews with Rush Limbaugh, Newt Gingrich, Sean Hannity, Ann Coulter, Mark Levin and Laura Ingraham, this book digs into how the media helped cover for Clinton while simultaneously promoting her leftist agenda.

Contempt: A Memoir of the Clinton Investigation

Get to know Hillary Clinton before she was a failed presidential candidate.

This shocking book takes you back to the First Lady era all of the ugly scandals of the Clinton Whitehouse.

While certainly more of a book on Bill, it gives insight into behind-the-scenes Hillary.

Former special prosecutor Ken Starr shares his comprehensive analysis and judgement on the Clintons following the President’s impeachment. Going into far more detail than he did in even the “Starr Report” of 1998, Contempt details the scandals from Whitewater, to Vince Foster’s death, to Travelgate and Monica Lweinsky.

Starr weaves a thread between them all, namely, that the Clintons believed they were above the law and had contempt for both the American system of justice and the American people.

Fallout: Nuclear Bribes, Russian Spies, and the Washington Lies that Enriched the Clinton and Biden Dynasties

“Fallout” by John Solomon and Seamus Bruner, meticulously unravels the corruption and greed behind the Russia and Ukraine scandals, shedding light on how Obama’s “Russian Reset” paved the way for political turmoil and the eventual attempts to impeach Donald Trump. Celebrated by FOX News legal analyst and bestselling author Gregg Jarrett, this investigative thriller dives deep into these controversial events.

In 2015, a major revelation exposed Hillary Clinton’s involvement in approving the sale of American uranium assets to the Russian state nuclear agency, Rosatom. This deal transferred control of 20 percent of the U.S. uranium supply to Vladimir Putin and allegedly resulted in substantial financial gains for the Clintons.

Donald Trump, as a presidential candidate, capitalized on the Uranium One controversy, branding Hillary Clinton as “Crooked Hillary” and highlighting this issue throughout his campaign. The Clinton camp, aware of the potential damage, and the Obama-Biden administration, fearing exposure of their own roles, initiated an aggressive investigation into Trump’s supposed connections with Russia.

The Steele dossier, commissioned by Clinton-affiliated Fusion GPS, set off an FBI investigation led by Director James Comey. Despite Trump’s election victory, the investigation intensified, eventually leading to Comey’s dismissal and the appointment of Special Counsel Robert Mueller. When Mueller’s investigation did not yield grounds for impeachment, Democrats pivoted to a questionable phone call between Trump and the Ukrainian president as a new basis for impeachment. This strategy backfired, bringing to light the very secrets Democrats aimed to keep hidden.

“Fallout” provides a crucial insight into the complex background of these scandals, illustrating how Putin’s ambitions for nuclear control sparked a series of political crises that threatened the core of American democracy.


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