heather mac donald books

Heather Mac Donald Books

Author and attorney, Heather Mac Donald is the Thomas W Smith Fellow at the Manhattan Institute conservative think tank. She is also a long standing contributing editor at City Journal and several of her books are compilations of those works.

Her articles have been published in everything from the Wall Street Journal, to the New York Times to the Washington Post.

Primarily Mac Donald writes on topics of criminal justice, police reform (or opposition to it) and the issues of race wrapped up in that discussion. She also writes significantly on issues of homelessness and is a strong opponent of welfare as an enabler Her writings also extend to immigration and the issue of America’s porous southern border..

A highly-awarded author, she’s a frequent guest on Fox News and CNN.

Heather Mac Donald Books

The Diversity Delusion: How Race and Gender Pandering Corrupt the University and Undermine Our Culture

The push for diversity at all costs has led to a rise in intolerance and an erosion of serious inquiry argues Heather Mac Donald in The Diversity Delusion.

In a world where people are defined by their race, gender or sexual preference, where groups are pitted against each other and where words are seen as a threat, a country of polarization and intolerance has arisen. And the result of this toxic environment is an inability to have engage in actual learning. As a result, it diminishes our competitive edge.

Mac Donald calls for an end to division and a return to the classical liberal philosophy of inquiry, where as individuals we can all find our own common threads.

The War on Cops: How the New Attack on Law and Order Makes Everyone Less Safe

Violent crime has been on the rise since even before the defund the police movement began and the reason is simple: a lack of proactive policing.

Mac Donald identifies what she calls the “Ferguson effect,” named after the police shooting of Michael Brown and subsequent riots in Ferguson, Missouri. Since that highly publicized event, the police have pulled back and criminals have become more brazen.

Rather than a story of bad white cops (as told by the media), Mac Donald explains in detail how it isn’t the police, but criminals who are responsible for the black homicide rate.

With a serious dive into hard data, this book debunks the common misconceptions about race and policing and highlights how it is, quite simply, crime that drives police action and incarceration rates.

Not only that, it highlights how politicians and the media who propagate lies about the police being racist are putting police and the communities they serve at risk.

Are Cops Racist?

Challenging one of the mainstream media’s top talking points, Heather Mac Donald looks carefully at crime, race, demographics, statistics and asks the big question: are cops racist?

Using plenty of historical evidence she outlines how the war on police has brought about detrimental effects for urban communities. In particular, she challenges the idea of profiling, which, she claims, is the exact reason for the drop in crime in the 1990s.

In essence, by policing where the problems are, police made those communities safer.

But now, the media’s assault on the police is undoing all of that.

The Burden of Bad Ideas: How Modern Intellectuals Misshape Our Society

Today its Critical Race Theory. But there will be others to come and there have been versions of this same idea before. And all of these toxic ideas stem from the same basic concept: that America is a fundamentally unjust society.

How did it come to this?

Heather Mac Donald details the slow process in “The Burden of Bad Ideas,” documenting where these concepts came from and the disastrous effects they have and are having on our society. And perhaps most shockingly, they have the largest impact on those who are most vulnerable; those whom these theories claim to help.

You’ll learn how these toxic ideas became the talking points of the media and philanthropists and how they’ve seriously damaged the fabric of our society.

The Immigration Solution: A Better Plan Than Today’s

American needs immigration and should welcome those who seek to join the country and improve it. But the illegal immigration that’s now rampant across the southern border is having a damaging effect on the country.

That is the basis of “The Immigration Solution,” in which three authors seek to build a roadmap for an immigration policy based around the idea of what immigrants can do for their country, not what the country can do for them.