Jack Cashill Books

Called a conspiracy theorist by some, Jack Cashill has published numerous books giving an unique perspective on major events in the United States, ranging from TWA Flight 800 to the Trayvon Martin shooting. He also has taken particular aim at President Barack Obama and been a constant reminder that despite the Left’s assertions, it was anything but a presidency free from controversy.

Cashill is a weekly contributor to WorldNetDaily and Senior Editor of the business magazine Ingram’s. He has written for FortuneThe Washington PostThe Wall Street Journal, and The Weekly Standard.

Holding a PhD in American Studies from Perdue University, Cashill has served as a professor there as well as several other universities in the Kansas City area. His studies in American culture have helped shape his unique perspective on the country we live on today.

Barack Obama’s Promised Land: Deplorables Need Not Apply – 2021

Far from his message of hope, Barack Obama was a divisive political and cultural leader, argues Jack Cashill, who exploited race issues to rise to power. Even worse, he did nothing to help black Americans rise out of poverty.

Cashill outlines how Obama’s biggest failure is his reluctance to address the issue of broken families within the black community. The one man who could have made genuine change instead pushed forward policies that would in no way help black American families, sentencing them to another generation of poverty, poor education, crime and drugs.

Unmasking Obama: The Fight to Tell the True Story of a Failed Presidency – 2020

The real story of the Obama presidency was never told, until now. Jack Cashill sets the stage of a country where the establishment, from the corporate media, to government agencies to social media platforms, worked lock-step with the Obama administration to disseminate one story and one opinion. These groups formed whatObama advisor Ben Rhodes referred to as the WHite House’s “messaging campaign.”

On the Right, disorganized group of independent thinkers from small time websites and AM radio sometimes agreed and sometimes did themselves more harm than good.

With the stage set in the war for the consciousness of America, Cashill looks behind the headlines of the Obama presidency and tackles the biggest claim that it was without controversy, putting specific focus on how actors within the Obama administration allegedly worked to set up he Steele dossier and subsequent FISA warrants to spy on the Trump campaign in favor of Hillary Clinton, undermining democracy in the process.

Hoodwinked: How Intellectual Hucksters Have Hijacked American Culture – 2009

A must-read book for anyone looking for an alternate take on the world we live in, Jack Cashill tackles almost every preconceived notion about our world and rips it to shreds.

In “Hoodwinked,” Cashill details how intellectuals have knowingly spread lies about everything in our society and have been praised for doing so. In this refreshingly shocking book Cashill details the cultural deception from Planned Parenthood coverups, multicultralism lies, the media’s willing blindness towards Marxism, environmentalist errors like predictions of overpopulation and neo-Darwinian fakes.

What’s the Matter with California?: Cultural Rumbles from the Golden State and Why the Rest of Us Should Be Shaking – 2007

A rebuttal to Thomas Frank’s bestseller “What’s the Matter with Kansas?,” Cashill takes on what he calls America’s Rome: California. He details the many issues with this great state, from over-taxation and excessive regulation to a border that’s nonexistent. More than an attack, he details the Right is still strong in California and how the Left’s increasing radicalization is making it easier for Republicans to take it back.

First Strike: TWA Flight 800 and the Attack on America – 2003

‘If I Had a Son’: Race, Guns, and the Railroading of George Zimmerman

Sucker Punch: The Hard Left Hook That Dazed Ali and Killed King’s Dream – 2006

Popes and Bankers: A Cultural History of Credit and Debt, from Aristotle to AIG – 2010

The Hunt – 2019

Deconstructing Obama: The Life, Loves, and Letters of America’s First Postmodern President – 2011

Ron Brown’s Body: How One Man’s Death Saved the Clinton Presidency and Hillary’s Future – 2004

Snake Handling in Mid-America: An Incite-ful Look at American Life and Work in the 90s – 1991