lee smith books the permanent coup

Lee Smith Books

Many modern Conservative authors are also political pundits, making the rounds on Fox news, talk radio, YouTube and podcasts. Lee Smith keeps a lower profile, partly because of geography, being based in the Lebanon.

Smith started his Journalism career in the US having written for The New York Times, GQ, Ecco Press, Antheneum and Grand Street. He also held the position of senior editor at The Weekly Standard.

For many, the events of 9/11 changed their lives. For Smith it brought about a need to better understand Islam and the West. An editor at The Weekly Standard at the time, he made the decision to become a foreign correspondent for the publication, moving first to Cairo, Egypt. His time there led to his publication of his first book “The Strong Horse.”

His book publishing days then went quiet for a decade until the later years of the Trump Presidency where, with help from sources like Congressman Devin Nunes, he felt compelled to pen two new titles focused on the enemies of the President.

Lee Smith Books

The Permanent Coup: How Enemies Foreign and Domestic Targeted the American President – 2020

Lee Smith doesn’t mince words. Going beyond his calls that the plot to oust President Trump was a conspiracy, in his latest book he calls it what it is: a coup.

In this carefully researched book Smith tells how the plot to unseat President Trump began with fake reports of Russian collusion back in 2015 and didn’t give up until coordinated riots tore American cities apart and finally, he was out of office. Each new attempt to unseat the President became more dangerous and divisive, perhaps scaring America permanently.

With impressive access to Congressman Devin Nunes and the president’s lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, Smith documents the tactics and players of the coup and how they couldn’t hep but reveal themselves as actors in their quest for power. From Barack Obama and Joe Biden, to senior military and intelligence officials, Smith highlights the crimes and abuses in order to overthrow a sitting President.

The Plot Against the President: The True Story of How Congressman Devin Nunes Uncovered the Biggest Political Scandal in U.S. History – 2019

Smith’s first book in a decade, he tells the story of how Congressman Devin Nunes uncovered the plot to unseat President Donald Trump. Rather than a loose series of events, Smith details a specific plot with a specific goal: to overturn an election. This isn’t just a crusade against a man he argues, but against over half of the American electorate.

The specific plot is one Nunes uncovered as chairman of the House intelligence Committee. It had a specific starting point on July 31, 2016. It all started with the FBI’s investigation of Russian collusion, and it had specific conspirators including politicians, law enforcement, intelligence officials and members of the press.

It’s every bit the conspiracy you expect to hear about from a third-world country.

Smith, working with Nunes and his team, tells a detailed conspiracy of facts while adding plenty of intrigue to keep you turning pages like a spy novel.

The Strong Horse: Power, Politics, and the Clash of Arab Civilizations – 2009

In his search to better understand the motivation behind the September 11 attacks, Lee Smith committed fully. He picked up his things and moved to Cairo, situating himself in an Arab country to better understand the millennia-long clash between East and West.

Rebuking past attempts to explain this clash, Smith comes to the conclusion that it has less to do with hating America or Israel and more to do with backing “the strong horse.”

Smith’s “Strong Horse Doctrine” asserts that countries in the Middle East are drawn to power, strength and violence. And, Smith argues, that if the United States wants to avoid conflict with these countries, they need to be the strong horse.

More than a theory, he details specific issues in the region and how American can lead by understanding, opposing certain actors and supporting others, from the Muslim Brotherhood’s role in Egypt to the opponents of Hezbollah in Lebanon.